I just wanna make cool stuff with cool people.

The type of people who like to notice things.

Notice things like the moving colors of a busy downtown street corner at the wave of a red hand.

Notice the stiff old man sitting across his wife tapping his toes to the song playing next door.

The type of people who notice the effort it takes to get through a few bad notes and carry on for the big finish.

The type of people who could care less about the disbelief of what you can’t do, but care more about the idea of what you can do.

The type of people who notice a coloring book is already colored if you think about it.

Notice the bad. Notice the good. Notice the goal. Notice the work.

The type of people who like to notice things.


Basically, I just wanna make cool stuff with cool people.


Cheers to not only coloring outside the lines, but coloring the lines themselves.

My Boy B / Tokyo Not Japan (@TokyoNotJapan)








