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Category Archives: Lessons Learned

Top 6 Lessons Learned of 2016

2016. A year of big steps, fashion trends, social disarray, and mannequin challenges, that early morning scroll was never short of something interesting or something trash-worthy. On the other hand, for myself personally, it was one of the most influential years of my life.

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As The Winter Comes…

And when the winter comes,

so does the spirit it brings.


The spirit of the past.

A reflection of where your body has taken you. Everything it has went through to survive and land you in the moving presence of now, today was always your lucky day.

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The Late Night Oil

Burning the late night oil, the candle isn’t the only thing on fire.

Similar to the light dancing around the room, my mind knew how to groove too.

Riding along a train of thought that never seems to stop, but only buries its tracks in between the still moments of nothing, I stayed up.

When keeping the dream alive keeps me alive, the late night oil is more important than you realize.



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28 huh?…

28 years old… That sound crazy to you?

I can tell it does by the look on everyones faces when I tell them its true.

The frame of someone half my age, some things don’t change, but that’s not whats important

What’s important is the mental state.

28 times I’ve taken my laps around the universal calendar inching towards the oddly unwelcome’d “home stretch”

Only to run into the outlook that there’s nothing left,

But I beg to differ.

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Peace in Mind

“A simple fragment of thought that leads to harmony within the spirit,

Peace is more than an agreement with the people of the world, but a unity within your own.

A constant hunt for the reminder that an accord with yourself is best done inside, we’re all looking for that piece to find.

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And she was mesmerizing…

“And she was mesmerizing.

As she moved liked nobody was watching, that was hardly the case.

Stealing what was already given to her, my attention was next to go.

She inspired me. She taught me. She tested me.

And I was ok with that…”

– B

 A note to all the women in my life, friends and family, I appreciate you in more ways than one.

Keep being proud. Keep being impactful. Keep being strong. Keep dancing.

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Harper’s Intruders: As Told by “Space”

The younger brother of the two, my name is Space. The excited one. The climb up on everything one. The jump in the water instead of testing the temperature first one. That other guy, that’s my brother Skip. Idolized for our personalities and cool ways, we tend to be a stylish duo when we hit the scene together. Anything that dealt with finding the true essence of style and character, we’re about it.
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Dear Self… I’m Rooting For You

Through all of the hard times that burn a hole in your memory, the indecision that clouds your judgment to what you’re capable of, to the madness that no one sees but you manage to cover so well, make sure you never forget to root for who’s most important… Yourself!

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2015: MyBoyB List of Accomplishments

Oh hey there 2015, that was quick!…


2014 might have gone by fast, but man, did we accomplish a lot. If you kept up with me at all (which I know a lot of you did), you would know that we had great year last year.

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I Hope This Christmas Is Different

To: Everyone enjoying their 2014 Christmas.

I hope this christmas is different,

even better than other Christmas past.

Peppered with feelings that are sometimes too much to handle,

I think that’s why it’s best saved for last.

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Does That Answer Your Question?

Because my intentions are good.

Whether your out to prove other people wrong, or prove yourself right, you are in control of that. People do not have to understand your methods of what you are doing, but as long as you understand Why you are doing them, the answer will be evident. Why? Because it leads to your intentions. Something specific. Not just a detail, but a motive.

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Throwback Thursday : Sometimes… by My Boy B

So, earlier today as I was cleaning up and peeking around the garage, I stumbled across a box of old notebooks from what looks like my days at ASU (which basically means a bunch of half-used notebooks with scrambled notes, doodles, and plenty of empty pages haha).

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